Recent highlighting of plastic pollution is making the awareness of paper and cardboard as the most environmentally friendly packaging.
Two Sides UK recently found out in a snap survey consumers significant concerns regarding packaging in general. Coffee cups, plastic bottles, chocolate bar wrappers, crisp packets and take-away packaging were all perceived to be the most significant cause of litter.
As we move towards a regenerative, circular economy as outlined in the UK’s 25-Year Environment Plan paper and cardboard will be an essential material as it is durable, renewable and recyclable.
At Yes Response we pride ourselves on being efficient with our packaging usage in our mailings and fulfilment projects, finding suitably sized packaging to minimise costs and to help the environment. Yes Response still use polythene for magazine mailings as it minimises packaging materials and gives the magazine instant visibility to the recipient. Yes Response recycle 95% of unusable packaging.
If you require a timely and cost effective mailing solution for your sales literature and POS, do not hesitate in requesting an estimate by return.