With the rising costs of postage, it is important to ensure that money is not being spent in waste by sending communications to contacts or addresses that are incorrect or out of date. Verifying and validating data is crucial in reducing this wastage. Yes Response work closely with our clients to help them to cleanse their existing data. This includes checks against national databases to remove and/or update addresses for those records which have moved home as well as checks to remove the details of contacts that have deceased.
Our in-house telemarketers also complete projects to verify business to business details by telephone. These checks can include the addition of email addresses to records, providing an opportunity for multi-channel communications and enabling contacts to set a communication channel preference. Unlike high volume telesales phone calls, the professional and efficient process of telemarketing maintains your company’s reputation, enhances your data and improves relationships with customers or prospects, and may even trigger a sales enquiry.
If you need help with your data verification and validation, do not hesitate to contact Yes Response today on 01889 561 400 or enq@yesresponse.co.uk to discuss your requirements.